Greetings Friends,
Hope this finds you hopeful. Whether you are or aren't I'm hoping to encourage you with some direction for our Week of Fasting and Prayer next week. This of course is voluntary but I believe you will be Blessed if you participate and we do this together. Here are some steps to take while preparing. Blessings, Pastor Jon
1. Set Your Objective. -Take some time contemplating some personal reasons for you to participate. I am listing three that I ask you to pray about. 1. Personal renewal and devotion to the Lord. 2. That the Lord's Presence would be evident and felt in our congregation. 3. That His Kingdom would grow among us and through us to those needing salvation. 2. Make Your Commitment. -Please remember this isn't a law we're setting up to fall to. It is a humbling of ourselves in knowing that our life and sustenance comes from the very person of Christ, who humbly gives himself to us. We choose to fast because it is spiritually and physically healthy for us to do so. We give up lesser needs and wants to grasp for a richer and deeper need and want. That is, for what truly satisfies us, sustains us, and empowers us. Abstain from all foods, some foods? Movies, media, vices, or devices? Be reasonable, be intentional, and be thankful. 3. Prepare Yourself Physically and Spiritually. -It is important to make sure you are in proper physical condition if planning to fast from food entirely. Get some counsel from someone with some experience. We are holistic human beings made in the image of God Himself. This is no small thing. May we devote our whole selves to Him in order for Him to continually make us holistically new, grounded and rooted in Him. 4. Set up a Schedule. - Have a plan for how your going to be intentional. Morning, Noon, and Evening practices? - Praise, and Prayerful Meditate on a passage of scripture and our objectives? 5. Expect God to Respond. -The Lord promises us if we seek we will find, if we knock the door will be opened. That when we draw close to Him He draws close to us and reveals Himself to us. Be watchful, and trust that God is Good and He wants Good for us. He will empower us to fulfill His purpose in bringing restoration and salvation to us and others.
*This is an adaptation of Bill Bright's steps to fasting.